Being Better Blog

Top 4 Postpartum Yoga Postures
Perinatal Care, General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers Perinatal Care, General Pelvic Health Brittney Ellers

Top 4 Postpartum Yoga Postures

So you went through nine-ish months of pregnancy, labor and birth of your baby, who is now taking up most of your bandwidth. When is it time for you to focus on you again and get back to your yoga practice? (Or any kind of movement for that matter?)

To keep things as simple as possible again, I recommend the four following yoga postures as a part of the postpartum healing process. The intention behind postpartum yoga is NOT the same as prenatal. While prenatal yoga is meant to help create space in your pelvis and belly for your baby, postpartum yoga is meant to help bind your body into strong alignment again.

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