Being Better Blog

Form + Flow: What Being Nude for Two Hours Taught Me About Life
Feminine Embodiment Brittney Ellers Feminine Embodiment Brittney Ellers

Form + Flow: What Being Nude for Two Hours Taught Me About Life

In the house I grew up in, it wasn’t normal to find anyone walking around naked. Both of my parents kept their bodies private, away from my brother and me. It wasn’t until I started treating women for their pelvic floor and seeing breasts and vulva on a regular basis while working with mothers that I started even being “ok” about changing clothes in front of my own mother.

To this day, my mom will comment on my body and tell me to cover up, while wearing a V neck shirt or if I’m at my hometown beach on a hot summer day. And she’s not saying that because she wants me to protect my skin from sun damage. I don’t think she means to make me feel like I have to hide myself, but it caused a bit of a complex when it came to body image and self love towards the end of my twenties.

I’m currently on the brink of turning 30, and I’ve had some massive shifts happen that have led me to this new place- a place where I felt confident and safe enough to accept an offer I never expected to get, let alone say yes to.

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