009: How to THRIVE After Cancer and Surgery with Dr. Alison McLean
This week, Dr. Alison McLean shares about her journey as someone who lives with Lynch Syndrome, a genetic profile that puts her at risk for different kinds of cancer. Since being diagnosed, going through multiple surgeries for rectal cancer and preventative measures, she has made significant changes to her life and is now THRIVING. Find out how by dropping in on this insightful and inspiring episode.
Feeling the Pulse on
How Alison dealt with the initial diagnosis of cancer, and her realizations about how she was showing up as a professional, wife, and mother
Using the cancer as a wake up call to pivot her business from PT to business coaching
Healing from 3 different abdominal surgeries, including a caesarean, rectal surgery, and hysterectomy
How internal pelvic work gave her insight to her experience with "clenching" and painful sex
Being diagnosed with Lynch Syndrome, what that is, and what it means for her future
Medically-induced menopause, post-hysterectomy, and all the adjustments she's had
How Alison is communicating about her health and family history with her daughter
Prioritizing what matters to us and how to move forward
Connect with our guest, Dr. Alison
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